May Johnstone

May 062014

Urban people - woman commuter walking on escalatorYou’ve not been able to look over your shoulder for a while because your neck complains.

Periodically you spend time trying to figure it all out; what you did to initiate the pain, which part of your body is actually causing the pain, and what can you do to fix it?

Very understandable in our left brain culture with its focus on thinking and cause and effect! Continue reading »

Apr 252014

Fingers holding backs of kneesHere is a very quick way to release tension from your whole body, and more!

Typically, at first, I notice my tense shoulders drop.

Then, somewhat to my surprise the first few times I did this, I noticed my neck, face and the inside of my head smoothing out – places I hadn’t even been aware were carrying tension!

Then I noticed my thinking had slowed down and relaxed too.

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Apr 112014

Child playing in kitchenIt’s easy to be serious about your healing. 

After all your discomfort is something you really, really want to change – a serious business. 

But, what if seriousness is getting in the way? 

As a ‘serious’ person, it’s good for me to spend time with Alfie my three year old grandson, and open up to his playfulness and sense of humour.  And be reminded how playfulness plays a part in healing.  Continue reading »

Mar 212014

older woman black clothes arms crossed eyes closedTo help your healing get started, I often recommend sending some love to the part of your body that’s hurting.

However, in our world of judgement, criticism and supermodels with ‘perfect’ figures, that’s not always as easy as it sounds.

So, here’s some help to get loving your body.

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Feb 212014

Woman daydreamingWhen your health is out of balance, it’s all too easy to focus on your discomfort. It nags at you, pulling at your attention. You easily get drawn down the rabbit hole of doom and gloom, and things feel worse. Then your experience gets worse, and it seems impossible to dig yourself out of the hole.

One solution is to completely refocus your attention in the opposite direction; to what you would like to experience instead of your discomfort.  Continue reading »