Jul 182015


If you find yourself zonked out on the couch by evening time, you’ve likely been accumulating stress throughout your day. What if you could de-stress more or less as quickly as you collect stress?

If you didn’t accumulate stress through your day, how might you feel come the evening? And what if you could link de-stressing to an automatic body process? Continue reading »

Nov 182014

3D white people. Resting on a check markI’m regularly ‘Noticing & Resting’ to magically dissolve issues on the spot! I’ve come full circle – and with a deeper understanding – to an evolution of an approach I first learned fifteen years ago!

The Sedona Method – the basis of Noticing & Resting – was one of the first healing approaches I learned. After a weekend workshop of letting go of feelings my stress level, and associated physical symptoms including migraines, would disappear, and my energy level soar – so much so that people told me I looked different! Continue reading »

Apr 252014

Fingers holding backs of kneesHere is a very quick way to release tension from your whole body, and more!

Typically, at first, I notice my tense shoulders drop.

Then, somewhat to my surprise the first few times I did this, I noticed my neck, face and the inside of my head smoothing out – places I hadn’t even been aware were carrying tension!

Then I noticed my thinking had slowed down and relaxed too.

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