It’s so easy to do things, or not do things, that our Future Self later regrets.
Like having that second helping, or succumbing to surfing the internet rather than exercising or meditating.
Now we’re into the Festive Season, it’s all too easy to over-indulge … then feel the discomfort, … and regret it!
So here’s a simple way to help you retune your appetite.
You’ll still be able to enjoy your favourite foods, but you won’t be so tempted into excess.
I like to think this finger posture is like resetting the thermostat in our lounge. When it gets too hot, I turn down the thermostat; when my appetite gets out of control, I reset it with my fingers!
Like many people, I’d over-ridden my body’s natural appetite – eating when I wasn’t really hungry, and continuing to eat when I was full. This did not feel good.
My relationship with food felt out of sync, so I chose to explore ways to more ‘conscious’ eating. Continue reading »
Did you know that the original muesli is a light, fresh food?
A great way to receive the slow release of energy from oats, avoiding the heaviness of porridge, and the extra sugars added to most packet muesli. And it has a lovely clean taste! Continue reading »
Your body knows best what will make him or her function well, and when that happens you’re more likely to heal, stay healthy, and feel good!
You may be surprised how many areas of your life your body would like to influence. Continue reading »
As the festive season approaches you’ll probably be bombarded with more food than at any other time of the year. For me all the dried fruit, nuts and chocolate are delicious and extremely tempting so I can easily overeat, only to suffer the consequences of feeling overly full and then lethargic once the sugar stimulus has passed.
This year I’ve become much more aware of my eating; so here’s the most powerful tip I use to eat well and feel good afterwards! Continue reading »
Have you ever struggled with the discipline of rinsing your sprouts twice a day? Maybe forgotten, and had to throw the smelly mess away? Don’t despair, there’s an easy way to get all that live nutrition without only one rinse! Continue reading »
What if your body has more awareness about what it needs to eat than you do? Imagine how freeing that would be – no need to follow a particular diet or eating regime, just check what your body wants, go with that, and notice how much better you feel! Continue reading »