It’s so easy to do things, or not do things, that our Future Self later regrets.
Like having that second helping, or succumbing to surfing the internet rather than exercising or meditating.
Now we’re into the Festive Season, it’s all too easy to over-indulge … then feel the discomfort, … and regret it!
So here’s a simple way to help you retune your appetite.
You’ll still be able to enjoy your favourite foods, but you won’t be so tempted into excess.
I like to think this finger posture is like resetting the thermostat in our lounge. When it gets too hot, I turn down the thermostat; when my appetite gets out of control, I reset it with my fingers!
Like many people, I’d over-ridden my body’s natural appetite – eating when I wasn’t really hungry, and continuing to eat when I was full. This did not feel good.
My relationship with food felt out of sync, so I chose to explore ways to more ‘conscious’ eating. Continue reading »