Sep 052007

If your car’s oil warning light comes on, do you take notice, or just keep on driving and hope you’ll make it to your destination before your engine seizes up?

Our bodies give us warnings too. They do so in a more subtle way, starting with a gentle signal, such as a vague feeling of tiredness, a muzzy head or a twinge in the shoulder. The signal gradually becomes stronger, perhaps developing into feeling tired on waking, occasional headaches or restricted arm movement.   Usually we have plenty of warnings before we reach the red light stage of chronic fatigue, frequent migraines, or a frozen shoulder.

Busy lifestyles, and the ‘pop a pill’ culture have diverted us away from being sensitive to our body’s warning systems. It’s easy to think. “Hmm, I’ll need to do something about this shoulder soon”, and move on to more pressing needs, or “A painkiller will sort this out”.

Unlike cars, our bodies are extremely adaptable, so they can compensate for the imbalance, often for a long time before the red light comes on.

The best approach is to tune into your body each day, and respond to its needs as they arise. That way you can minimise the likelihood of symptoms getting worse, and hopefully reduce them.

1.  Do a quick wake-up scan

My friend, Lynn, starts her day with a quick prayer of thanks for being alive, then scans herself to see how she’s feeling. This includes her body and her mood. If she has a negative thought or feeling, she lets it go, and allows a positive one to surface.

2.  Stop at the amber light and reflect

Whenever you notice some discomfort, stop as soon as you can, and give it your attention. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, focus inside and ask your body what it needs you to do, to help it feel better. Try moving your focus from your head to your heart, to get an intuitive response. Allow yourself to trust that the first response you get is correct. With practice the answer will come more easily.

3.  Respond to the signal

Taking action is likely to diminish your symptoms; with this in mind it becomes easier to take the necessary time to respond to your signal.

Tiredness might be the signal to drop some of your many activities. A sore head might be a signal to take time out to relax for an hour. A sore shoulder might be telling you to change your posture while working at the computer.

If you have an acute or chronic problem you probably need medical or healing help.


What is the predominant or current warning signal your body gives you?


Take a few minutes to reflect on the meaning of your predominant warning signal, or the one you’re experiencing right now.


Decide what action you will take to address your predominant or current warning signal.

The Delicious Nugget: Your body has an early warning system; once you tune into it and take action you’ll reduce your symptoms.

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