You’ve probably heard stories of people visualising their health problems away – miniature armies capturing cancer cells, joints being oiled, breathing tubes hosed clean, and so on.
Now science is catching up with reality, and starting to explain how thoughts send out signals from the brain, which in turn affect our cells.
The three steps of visualisation
1. Picture the scene
First, take a few moments to picture the part of your body which has a problem. Don’t worry if you don’t know what your body looks inside, just see it as you imagine it to be.
- You might see your tumour as a mass of uncontrolled cells, or in a more abstract way as an iceberg or a mountain.
- You might see your stiff hip joint as an anatomy textbook diagram, or simply as two interlocking bones held together by pieces of elastic bands – which have stopped stretching properly.
The key here is to visualise the out-of-balance area of your body in a way that seems real to you, and with the problem clearly visible.
2. Get creative!
The second step is to find a creative way to make things better. This is where you can have fun, letting your imagination run wild! Ask yourself what this part of your body needs to make it better, and imagine a way to supply what’s needed.
Some people visualise themselves as a ‘Mini Me’ – a tiny me that can go inside their body and do whatever is needed to make it better. Or a ‘Mini Expert’ such as a plumber, or a ‘Mini Troop’ of helpers.
Computer games, where ‘baddies’ are chased and zapped, provide a fruitful source of visualisation.
Ordinary, everyday things may be what’s needed: such as a can of oil to lubricate or a hosepipe to clean.
Magical tools can help too, such as a magic sponge which absorbs fluid, or a magic duster that picks up the finest particles of debris
- You might see a mini-digger slowly removing your tumour, or a tiny army of people bursting each cell, or a peace-keeper with a white flag calling a truce with the rogue cells and converting them into good cells, or….
- You might see the muscles, tendons and ligaments around your shoulder being ‘reset’ by a series of dials for optimum performance, or each one being replaced, or the bones being smoothed or oiled.
Let your imagination run wild, to find the perfect solution for you!
3. Watch your health issue resolve
At least once a day tune into the challenged part of your body, and watch the healing process you chose at work – cells being burst, joints being oiled etc.
A good way to remember to do your visualisation is to tag it on to something your do each day, such as waking up, getting ready for bed, brushing your teeth, eating a meal etc. It takes 14-21 days to create a new habit, so you’ll need to be disciplined at first. As you start to feel an improvement, you’ll be motivated to continue.
As one healing process finishes you may need to create another next step in your healing. For example, after smoothing the bones in your shoulder you may need a French polisher to come in and polish them up, so they can glide smoothly.
Continue visualising until your healing complete – this may take days, weeks or more.
The Delicious Nugget: What you think about your body you affect it’s condition. A powerful way to heal yourself is to see the problem in your body, imagine a way to resolve it, and watch it resolve every day.
Hi, I really liked what you wrote about the healing visualisations. Do you have any good visualisations for a nerve tremor. I’ve been suffering from it for 4 years now and the doctors are basically not helping me. The problem is I don’t know why its jittering but it’s affecting my central nervous system and my whole life. I don’t know if its a damaged nerve or whether it is trapped or something else. So how do I best visualise for something like that if I don’t know exactly whats causing the disturbance. Also is it best to stick to the same visualisation imagery?
Any help on this matter would be very much appreciated as this is something that is affecting my life in a big way.
Tony, I’m glad you liked my article.
For your nerve tremor I suggest you ‘picture the scene’ in whatever way your tremor shows up for you in your mind – you don’t need to know the physiology involved, or what is causing the tremor. So perhaps, it’s simply the way the tremor shows up, eg as a shakey hand, or whatever you’re experiencing.
Then in the creative step you create an image of something soothing the tremor – for me the image that comes to mind is a feather gently stroking & soothing the nerves – but it will likely be something different for you.
I would use the visualisation you come up with a few times, and then be open to it perhaps evolving as you use it more.
I hope this helps, and if you’d like to explore more how to heal your tremor, do contact me for a Free Consult.