Nov 102009

Yin yang symbol in headIf you’ve ever had a thought along the lines ‘I’m, so sick of this condition I just want to be rid of it’, you may be surprised to know that the opposite thought will help you make the shift you seek.

In the DVD The Living Matrix, Arlelle Essex tells how she had troublesome headaches for 10 years, some lasting as long as 5 days. It transpired she had a brain tumour, and she decided to treat it with NLP.

At a low point she found herself saying

“I’m so sick of this, I just want to be rid of this tumour”.

She suddenly realised all her thoughts about making her tumour go away, involved much anger and frustration, which could not be healing.

Arlelle says the turning point in her recovery came when she asked herself what the opposite would be, and realised it was acceptance. This helped her see the benefits her tumour had brought her including a change of career, meeting wonderful people and more. So she asked herself another question

“What would happen if I gave it permission to stay for the rest of my life?”

Six months later her tumour was gone, and her doctor told her she was a different person to the one he first met.

The process of embracing opposing thoughts helps you unlock yourself from the fixed position of desperately wanting your health condition to go away, which only attracts more of the same.

Imagine a spectrum with ‘I want to be rid of this’ at one end and ‘I accept this condition’ at the other end. Once you are aware of the duality of both thoughts, your perception can easily shift out of its locked position at one end, and move to a more healthy position somewhere else on the spectrum.

Two ways to shift your perception with opposites

This approach of considering opposites, or ‘polarities’, is embedded in many healing approaches, including The Sedona Method and TAT.

The Sedona Method

Holistic Releasing is a very powerful Sedona technique, which involves alternately welcoming opposing thoughts or feelings, as a way to shift from the stuckness of your discomfort.

You start with the emotion or thought you have in the present moment. Eg ‘My sore head’, or ‘Not knowing which treatment to use’, and ask yourself:

1.  Could you feel the soreness, as much as it is?

Whether you get a ‘Yes’ or ’No’ response move on to the second question.

Decide what the opposite would be, eg .My comfortable head’, and ask yourself:

2. Could you feel a comfortable head, as best you can?

Don’t worry if a sore head seems impossible – be open to getting just an inkling of it to start with.

Continue to ask yourself questions 1 and 2 alternately, until you no longer feel attached to either polarity. You may be surprised how much your sore head shifts in a short time.

TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique)

TAT involves holding the TAT Pose – one hand on the front and one hand behind your head in specific positions – while putting your attention for about a minute on each of a series of 9 statements. The first two statements address opposites.

The first statement acknowledges the problem. You take the TAT Pose and consider the statement, eg ‘My sore head happened’. In this step you are identifying with, and acknowledging, the problem

The second statement is the opposite of the first. You take the TAT Pose and consider the opposite statement, eg ‘That sore head happened, I no longer resonate, identify or connect with it’. In this step you offer your system the opposite point of view to consider. You don’t have to believe the statement, just consider it, and be open to see what happens.

By considering the opposites your identification with the problem dissolves. Often these first two steps of TAT alone will shift your perception, and hence improve your health condition.

The Delicious Nugget: Considering a health problem and its opposite is a very effective way to shift your point of view away from being fixated with ‘wanting to be rid of it’. Seonda’s Holistic Releasing and the first two Steps of TAT are effective ways to do this.

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