Reposted from Spheres Of Light.
The summer solstice will be upon us shortly on Thursday 21 June.
This year we can do something different and very special – help the spiritual evolution of ourselves, humanity and our planet!
We can set the intention to engage with Spheres Of Light and intend that they in turn engage with the Diamond Light Grid and Christ Consciousness Grid where they meet the North and South Poles on the Solstice (21 June), all in the highest good.
How this came about
At a recent Immersion Workshop in Yorkshire, Philip Wade, one of the joint Founders of Spheres Of Light, had an image of the earth with its energy grids being enhanced by connecting Spheres Of Light with the earth’s poles.
For those of you not familiar with the ‘grids.’ A number of energetic grids surround, and are part of, the planet. They are akin to the Earth’s magnetic field which we don’t ‘see’ but feel its effects. These energetic grids serve important roles in our spiritual evolution.
The idea of Spheres Of Light boosting the grids was supported through a series of insights and dreams received by Philip.
Lunar calendar
Then Rev Rina Gonzalez, an insightful clairvoyant in the USA added more:
The North and South Poles are the North and South nodes in astrology, for both the Hindus and Kabbalist. The moon is the mother for both, and the lunar calendar is the one observed – with the following important dates:
- June 19 – New Moon
- June 27 – First Quarter Moon
- July 3 – Full Moon
- July 11 – Last Quarter Moon
Benefits for all
Rina was also given the insights that this engagement is important, and that it will be spiritually beneficial to both the planet and those who choose to participate, because:
- of the willingness to help our planet.
- the diamond grid fortifies our spiritual blueprint
- it will aid in the awakening of the Christ Consciousness throughout the planet.
What do you need to do? It’s simple:
At whatever time you can make on the solstice (21 June), and I suggest on the three ’moon’ dates (27 June, 3 July and 11 July):
- engage with Spheres Of Light and intend that they in turn engage with the Diamond Light Grid and Christ Consciousness Grid where they meet the North and South Poles on the Solstice (21 June), all in the highest good.
- be open to whatever insights, feelings, sensations etc you get as normal.
- follow up on any inspired actions that may come to you.
Don’t worry if some of the dates have passed by the time you read this – carry out the engagement at a time to suit you, and intend that it takes effect on 21 June, or any of the other dates.
Know that you are joined in this by Spheres Of Light Foundation Founders, Rina and others of like mind. We are honoured to have the opportunity to participate in this event. Remember, Spheres Of Light will only work in the highest good and we feel certain that this will not only help our wondrous planet but all those who participate and, of course, all of life.
In gratitude to all who have shared in this.
Philip Wade, Joint Founder, Spheres Of Light