The Sedona Method® – an overview

Ready to dive right in?

If so, I invite you to go to my Quick Start Guide!  Otherewise, please read on…

Quick Start Guide.

What is it?

The Sedona Method is a powerful tool which uses simple questions to help you release negative emotions and thoughts. It helps with a wide range of situations from fear through stress to setting and achieving goals, and can also lead to improvements in physical health.

I felt I was getting dragged down by dwelling on problems, churning them over and not getting anywhere, all of which was using up my energy. May introduced me to the Sedona Method, and later on I followed it up using the book.

I’m no longer banging my head off a brick wall. It’s not that there are fewer problems, it’s just that I don’t get so hooked into them. I find it very helpful that I’ve now got a straightforward method I can use to deal with any difficulties as they arise.

For example, when our dishwasher had to be repaired and  two service engineers were unable to fix it and then the new machine we pruchased had to be returned, I ‘let go’ and didn’t get worked up about it. We even ended up with an unexpected £50 discount! The cumulative effect of little things like this can make a huge difference.

My husband and son have both noticed a difference in me. My husband feels that I don’t get so worked up about things now and that when I do, I am more able to let go of my annoyance more quickly. My son has said that my voice sounds more relaxed when I talk to him on the phone.

I don’t always useThe Method, but then I get drawn back because it’s so practical in everyday situations. It saves my energy!

EC, Dunblane, Scotland

What happens in a session?

In a Sedona session I’ll ask you very simple questions to help you release the emotions around an issue, until it’s no longer an issue. The Method focuses entirely on your current feelings; there’s no need to dig into past situations, so it doesn’t feel at all threatening.

To arrange an in-person session, please Contact me.

For a distance session, we carry out the same process by phone.

Buy distance Sessions here.

How does May use it in Delicious Healing?

I often use The Sedona Method within a Delicious Healing session, when an emotion arises which it would be good to release.

If a client is drawn to The Sedona Method I’ll base the whole session on the Method.

What l liked most was the simplicity, because we were in a very public area, but it didn’t look any more than we having a conversation. You were asking the questions, and asking me to do things like allowing feelings to come in then allow them to go away, and I just found it very simple and unobtrusive.

I stopped worrying about my daughter. It didn’t alter the outcome, but at least I wasn’t in there getting worried about it and anxious on top of the kidney thing.  Because I was so involved  I couldn’t see cearly. So it added clarity and it took away the anxiety. It was simple, rapid and effective.

Linda Martin, Gargunnock, Scotland

How do I learn it for myself?

See my article Quick Start for The Sedona Method

You can learn The Sedona Method from the book, a CD set or a Live Workshop.

Once you’ve picked up the three basic questions, you can use the method in your head whenever you need it during the day.


The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-being, Hale Dwoskin, 2003, Sedona Press. Note this book does not include the later Sedona approaches: Triple Welcome and the Fifth Way. The Sedona Method website; includes a Community Forum.  Sunday Teleclass (9pm London time) available online to everyone at no cost.   A number of facilitators who gained in-depth experience from Lester Levenson (founder of releasing) in the 1970s and 1980s, contribute their varied interpretations of releasing, and facilitate volunteers to release – a great opportunity to witness or experience releasing for yourself! Note, some weeks feature other modalities.



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