Oct 242007

EFT is very quick and easy to use. You can learn to use The Basic Recipe in about 10 minutes using the following steps.

1. Decide the issue you want to work on.

EFT is most effective when you work on a specific event, or a circumstance that triggers your discomfort. For example:

My fear when the spider ran across the carpet today (rather than ‘My fear of spiders’).

The knot I got in my stomach when I spoke to my boss last week (rather than ‘The knot in my stomach’).

If you’re unable to identify a specific event or circumstance, don’t worry – use a general statement such as:

This deep sadness
My headache

You may find a specific instance ‘pops up’ as you tap, which you can then focus on.

2. Rate the strength of your discomfort

Use a scale of 0-10 to rate the strength of your discomfort right now. Zero is no discomfort, and 10 is extremely uncomfortable.

3. Develop a ‘Setup sentence’

Use the following sentence as a model. Feel free to vary the wording to suit yourself, so long as you include both the problem and the acceptance of yourself.

Even though I feel afraid when a spider runs across the carpet, I deeply and completely accept myself.

The Setup Sentence puts your problem in perspective, and helps to remove any unconscious blocks you may have to resolving your discomfort.

Tapping points & sequence

EFT points v7

1. Karate Chop On side of hand
2. Crown Top of head
3. Inner Eyebrow
4. Outer Eye Bone to side of eye
5. Under Eye Bone under centre of eye
6. Under Nose
7. Under Mouth
8. Collar Bone To side of notch.
9. Under Arm Four inches below armpit

3. Tap KC as you say your Setup Sentence, three times

Use two fingers of one hand to to tap on the KC (karate chop) point of the other hand, while saying your Setup sentence, out loud or in your head as appropriate. Do this three times.

4. Use two fingers to tap about 5 times on each point 2-9

Each time you tap a point, say a short Reminder Phrase that keeps you tuned into the problem, eg ‘spider fear’, ‘knot in stomach’.

It doesn’t matter which side of the body you tap on, or if you use a mix of your left and right sides.

5. Take a deep breath, then rate your discomfort again

It’s very likely that your discomfort, and hence your rating, has gone down.

6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 until your discomfort reaches zero

For these subsequent tapping rounds you need to vary your Setup Sentence, and Reminder Phrase along the following lines.

Even though I still feel afraid of a spider running across the carpet, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Remaining fear of spiders.

If your rating goes up at any point, it’s likely that another feeling is surfacing, which you can treat in the same way.

You may need to tap on some issues for a few days to dissolve them completely.


EFT is very forgiving; no need to worry about the precise location of tapping points; two fingers are likely to cover them. As with all healing, your intention is key.

If you approach EFT in a curious and creative frame of mind, you’ll find yourself, like many others before you, adpating the process to suit yourself.

Find out more about EFT

Once you’ve got some benefit from using EFT, you’ll probably want to explore it in more detail. You can do so at Gary Craig’s Official EFT website emofree.com.

Be supported with your EFT

If you would like in-depth support to explore all aspects of your issue, and the added strength of two people tapping together, please go to Sessions.

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  One Response to “Quick Start for EFT”

  1. I’ve just updated this Quick Start to match Gary Craig’s latest Basic Recipe. The main change is to tap the Crown as the second point in the sequencee, rather than at the end.

    If you’re used to the previous sequence, it will work fine – continue with what you are comfortable with.

    For beginners it makes sense to align with Gary Craig’s latest sequence.

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