When you’re stuck with your health or healing, chances are there’s a part of you wanting to improve, while another part is resisting the change. Sending out these conflicting messages gives a mixed signal to the universe, so you remain stuck.
What to do? Harmonise the opposing parts!
The principle is simple: bring the opposing parts together and flood them with your conscious awareness to harmonise them into a neutral state.
One client likened this to bringing the opposite poles of a magnet together – by themselves they have a force, but when brought together the forces are neutralised – the energy has dissipated.
Or think of the opposing parts as yin (soft) and yang (hard) – neutral when they are together.
Identifying your opposing parts
At times you’re probably aware of opposing parts of yourself, like when one part of you wants to go out, while another wants to stay at home for the evening.
Often, though, you’re completely unaware of the opposing part.. This could be because the part is hidden from your conscious awareness, or it’s been a part of your belief system for so long that you don’t notice it.
If you’d like to try harmonising parts, here’s what to do:
1. Identify an aspect of your health, healing or living you’d like to change, but you feel stuck with, like making a habit of taking a walk each day.
2. identify the part (or feeling) you’re initially aware of. This may be the positive side of what you want to achieve – part of me wants to walk each day. Or you may be more aware of the negative part that’s giving you a problem. Either way is fine!
3. Identify the opposing part – part of me keeps putting off my walk. If it isn’t obvious, use your intuition, or take a guess! Your intention to find the opposing part is more important that the actual words you use.
Here are my examples:
- Part of me wants to walk everyday.
- Part of me keeps putting off my walk.
- Part of me doesn’t believe my body can heal this cyst.
- Part of me knows my body can heal this cyst.
- Part of me wants to let this anger go.
- The part of me that’s opposing this (as I’m not sure what the opposing part is!).
Harmonising your opposing parts
Here are four ways to harmonise your opposing parts, and move on from being stuck. Skim the titles and choose the one that resonates for you and give it a go.
Clasping hands
You imagine each part in one hand, and clasp them together.
- Start by generating a feeling of love or gratitude – this could be by activating your Heart Picture.
- Imagine one hand is filled with the stuck part, and the other with the opposing part.
- Clasp your hands together, close your eyes, and stay present with your heart picture, until you feel the process is complete.
Thanks to Hugh Gilbert for introducing me to this simple approach!
Holistic Releasing
You focus your awareness on each part in turn, until they meet in the middle.
- Say to yourself: Can I [notice my belief that my body can’t heal this] as much as I do? No need to answer, just pause and see what you notice.
- Say to yourself: Can I [notice my belief that my body can heal this ] as best I can? Again: no need to answer, just pause and see what you notice.
- Repeat the two questions until you feel the stuckness has neutralised.
Holistic Releasing is a technique from The Sedona Method®.
Intentional Resting
You Rest for both parts together.
- Simply Rest into both parts together.
- Say I’m Resting for (or into) [not believing I can heal this], and [believing I can heal this].
- Pause for about a minute to allow the parts to merge and neutralise.
- Take a breath, and see how you feel.
This is my adaptation of Intentional RestingTM
You put both parts into a ‘pot’, and do the first 2 steps of TAT.
- Imagine a pot, and put your stuck part, and its opposing part into the pot.
- Take the TAT Pose, and put your attention for a minute on: Everything that led to this happened. (where ‘this’ is the contents of your pot)
- Rest your arms, pause, and reflect on what you noticed.
- Take the TAT Pose, and put your attention for a minute on: This happened, it’s over, and I no longer resonate, identify or connect with this.
- Rest your arms, pause, and reflect on what you noticed.
This is my interpretation of a new development of TAT®.
These are quick ways to harmonise opposing parts – it’s taken more words to describe them than to do them! Do share how you get on …