May Johnstone

Dec 122014

Surya mudra for appetiteNow we’re into the Festive Season, it’s all too easy to over-indulge … then feel the discomfort, … and regret it!

So here’s a simple way to help you retune your appetite.

You’ll still be able to enjoy your favourite foods, but you won’t be so tempted into excess.

I like to think this finger posture is like resetting the thermostat in our lounge. When it gets too hot, I turn down the thermostat; when my appetite gets out of control, I reset it with my fingers!

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Nov 182014

3D white people. Resting on a check markI’m regularly ‘Noticing & Resting’ to magically dissolve issues on the spot! I’ve come full circle – and with a deeper understanding – to an evolution of an approach I first learned fifteen years ago!

The Sedona Method – the basis of Noticing & Resting – was one of the first healing approaches I learned. After a weekend workshop of letting go of feelings my stress level, and associated physical symptoms including migraines, would disappear, and my energy level soar – so much so that people told me I looked different! Continue reading »

Oct 242014

Headache mudraI’d spent too long at the computer, and worse still the sun was catching one eye. So no surprise that all the strain produced a headache!

On the bright side, this provided a good opportunity to try out the finger posture (or mudra) for headaches, and it worked a treat! My headache was gone in a few minutes, then I had the sense to go for a walk and get some fresh air. Continue reading »

Oct 022014

brain that rests on a chaise longueResting is different to relaxing.

When someone asks me to relax, I immediately think of doing something, like slowing my breathing or letting go of tight muscles. Even thinking about doing these things is doing something with my brain!

Resting, on the other hand, is doing nothing. Absolutely nothing. No thinking. No moving. No tensing. No conscious relaxing. Continue reading »

Sep 052014

back pain frontside transparent backgroundKinetic Chain Release has eased a surprisingly wide range of conditions from back pain through fibromyalgia to behavioural issues in children. It often has spin-off effects too, like improved sleep!

Now, through ‘distance’ KCR everyone can experience the sweet relief of an aligned body! Continue reading »

Aug 152014

Step Back Start AgainTowards the end of the summer I noticed my hip was getting sore again, and I wasn’t sleeping so well.

This puzzled me, especially as I’d had plenty of time off on the west coast, spending much of it outdoors enjoying time with our daughter and grandson who’d been staying with us for a couple of months awaiting their house move. Continue reading »

Jun 102014

woman with knee painMy left knee had been sporadically painful for a few weeks, and I realized I’d once again irritated it by doing something wrong while practising Tai Chi, but I wasn’t sure quite what.

Fortunately for me, Tai Chi yielded the answer not only to the source of the pain, but also to an unexpectedly rapid recovery.  Continue reading »